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Major Contributors

Kennebec Savings Bank
Fuller Memorial Trust Fund
Fallona Family
City of Augusta
Capitol Area Technical Center
Augusta National Guard
Armory Committee
G&E Roofing
Lajoie Bros.
Beaudoin Electric
Stiman Steel
Maine Instrument Flight
Bridge Construction Co.
Steve McGee Construction Co.
Bob Burns Construction Co.
Bowie Bros. Well Drilling
Central Maine Power Co.
Williams Construction Co.
Augusta Fuel Co.
Dick Condon
Cecil Magee
H.E. Sargent Construction Company
Scott Lyon Construction Company
Pike Industries
SJR Engineering
Coffin Engineering
Kiwanis of Augusta
Gagne Concrete
Don Santerre
Gary & Carolyn Burns
Garry & Pauline Markoff
Linscott family
Tall Oak Printing
Gary Sawyer
Dean Parker
Alton Brown
Danny Kress
David and Dianne Hastings
Cives Steel
Ted Haskell
Scott Arnold Wood Harvesting
John Bridge
Gagnon Home Improvements
Lipman and Katz Foundation